
photo by Joel Barhamand

Over the last decade, the two of us have gained a reputation for bringing together incredibly talented people and making crazy shit happen. As a married couple we’ve often described marriage as a shared delusion, complete with its own sort of language, themes, & bits. Pulling others into the world we inhabit together as a team has become one of our core values, and we’ve discovered that there’s something really special about the way we work together. While we are distinctly separate people with wildly varied bodies of work, we have found we are able to thrive as a joint entity, acting as creative amplifiers and interpreters for each other.

DIMITRI SIMAKIS is a filmmaker, Creative Director, musician, illustrator and the co-creator of the found-footage collectives Everything Is Terrible! & the slightly more terrifying, Memory Hole. Under his direction, The EIT! collective has since made 8 feature length found-footage films and has toured North America regularly for the past thirteen years. His background in immersive storytelling is seen by millions at Pizza Pals Playzone, on permanent exhibition at Meow Wolf’s Convergence Station in Denver, CO. He has previously served as the SVP of Short Form Development at Super Deluxe, and is currently the Creative Director for GIPHY, the world’s largest GIF library on the internet.

SUKI-ROSE is a director, writer and fabricator whose work occupies the space between the uncomfortable, the absurd, and the uncanny. Her debut short film Ding-Dong premiered at Fantastic Fest 2019 followed by a robust festival run. In 2021, Suki directed a short for Giphy Studios, the family-friendly Teddy Too-Big, which premiered at the Sidewalk Film Festival. Her most recent projects include co-directing the short film CHOMP with frequent collaborator Cricket Arrison and Producing the short film The Rainbow Bridge (Official selection Sundance Film Festival 2024) with partner Dimitri Simakis.